(Morning-Glory Family)
- Family (Hindi name) : KALADANA FAMILY (कालादाना फैमिली)
- Family (as per The APG System III) : Convolvulaceae
- Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Ipomoea coptica (L.) Roth
- Habit : Climber
- Habitat : On plains in poor gravelly soil
- Flower, Fruit : November-February
- Distribution :
- Andhra Pradesh : Kurnool district, Nellore district, West Godavari district
- Maharashtra : Mumbai Suburban district, Mumbai-City district
- Tamil Nadu : Throughout Tamil Nadu
- Delhi : Delhi
- Uttar Pradesh : Uttar Pradesh
- Punjab : Punjab
- Native : Australia, Angola, Botswana, Burkina, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Provinces, Cape Verde, Caprivi Strip, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Ghana, India, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, New Guinea, Niger, Ni
- Exotic/Native : Native
- World Distribution : Australia, Angola, Botswana, Burkina, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Provinces, Cape Verde, Caprivi Strip, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo, Ghana, India, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, New Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Provinces, Senegal, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe
- Conservation Status : Least Concern (LC)
- Literature :
- Pullaiah et al., 2011 - Flora of Eastern Ghats Vol. 4
- J.L.Ellis, 1990- Flora of Nallamalais Vol. 2
- R. S. Rao et al., 1986 - Flora of West Godavari District
- IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1.
- Matthew, K.M., The Flora of Tamil Nadu Carnatic, Vol.3 (1). Diocesan Press, Madras. 1983.
- Read more :
- Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. http://indiafloraonline-ces.iisc.ac.in/plants.php?name=Ipomoea coptica. Downloaded on 19 February 2025.
Botanical Description
Herbarium Specimen(s)
Line Drawings
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India Distribution
World Distribution