- Family : MALVACEAE
(Mallow Or Hibiscus Family)
- Family (Hindi name) : GURHAL FAMILY (गुड़हल फैमिली)
- Family (as per The APG System III) : Malvaceae
- Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Hibiscus cannabinus L.
- Common name : Hemp, Kenap, Mesta Deccan Hemp
- Vernacular name :
- Pitva, Ambari, Kudrung, Pittora, Patsan (Hindi)
- Gonguru, Pundi (Kannada)
- Pulichai, Pulimanji (Tamil)
- Gogu, Gongkura, Gaynaru (Telugu)
- Kanuriya, Kudrunga (Oria)
- Ambadi, Ambada (Marathi)
- Habit : Shrub
- Comments / notes : Cultivated and often runs wild. Leaves edible. The stem-bark yeilds a very valuable fibre similar to jute which is used commercially.
- Key identification features : Annual or biennial herbaceous plant; Flowers white, yellow, or purple; Fruit capsule.
- Flower, Fruit : September-January
- Distribution :
- Andhra Pradesh : Andhra Pradesh
- Maharashtra : Thane district
- Odisha : All district of Odisha
- Tamil Nadu : All districts of Tamil Nadu
- Himachal Pradesh : Kangra district
- Delhi : Delhi
- Uttar Pradesh : Uttar Pradesh
- Punjab : Punjab
- Native : Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Repu, Chad, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Pro
- Exotic/Native : Exotic
- World Distribution : Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Repu, Chad, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Northern Provinces, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Yemen, Zambia, Zaïre, Zimbabwe
- Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
- Literature :
- Pullaiah et al., 2002 - Flora of Eastern Ghats Vol. 1
- H.O. Saxena & M. Brahmam, 1994- Flora of Orissa Vol. 1
- R. S. Rao et al., 1986 - Flora of West Godavari District
- R. S. Rao and S. H. Sreeramulu, 1986 - Flora of Srikakulam District
- Franklin Benjamin & G.V.S.Murthy, 2013. Flora of Sri Venkateswara National Park, Andhra Pradesh, BSI.
- Matthew, K.M., Flora of Tamil Nadu Carnatic, Vol.3 (1). Diocesan Press, Madras. 1983
- Henry, Kumari & Chithra (1983). Flora of Tamil Nadu, India vol. 1.
- H J, Chowdhery, et al. Flora of Himachal Pradesh. Volume 1, Botanical Survey of India, 1984. Pg.: 113-114
- Read more :
- Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. http://indiafloraonline-ces.iisc.ac.in/plants.php?name=Hibiscus cannabinus. Downloaded on 16 February 2025.
Botanical Description
Herbarium Specimen(s)
Field Image(s)
India Distribution
World Distribution