- Family : ARACEAE
(Arum Family)
- Family (Hindi name) : OAL FAMILY
- Family (as per The APG System III) : Araceae
- Basionym : Arum bulbiferum Roxb.
- Synonym(s) : Conophallus bulbifer (Schott) Schott; Pythonium bulbiferum Schott; Amorphophallus aculatum Hook.f.; Amorphophallus bulbifer var. atroviridimaculata Engl.; Amorphophallus bulbifer var. marmoratus Engl.; Amorphophallus bulbifer var. tuberculiger (Schott) Engl.; Amorphophallus taccoides Hook.f.; Amorphophallus tuberculiger (Schott) Engl.; Arum punctatum Voigt; Arum punctulatum Zipp. ex Kunth; Arum spectabile Zipp. ex Kunth; Conophallus tuberculiger Schott
- Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Amorphophallus bulbifer (Roxb.) Blume
- Vernacular name :
- Kattuchena (Malayalam)
- Dhar oal (Oria)
- Habit : Herb
- Comments / notes : Occasional along margins of forests, dry deciduous forests
- Key identification features : Erect herb, tuber globose. Leaves 3-fid, sessile, apex acuminate-caudate
- Flower, Fruit : April-July
- Collector(s) Name : D.Nicolson, Cecil J. Saldanha, T.P.Ramamoorthy; T.P.Ramamoorthy
- Collection Date : 19-06-1970, 06-06-1971
- Collection Nos : 17102, HFP 1768
- Collection Locality : Subramanya-Uppinangadi road, Dakshina Kannada disrict; Kenchankumri state forest, Hassan district
- Distribution :
- Andhra Pradesh : East Godavari district, Vishakapatnam district
- Karnataka : Davanagare district, Hassan district, Udupi district, Uttara Kannada district, Dakshina Kannada district
- Kerala : Malappuram district, Palakkad district, Idukki district
- Maharashtra : Mumbai-City district, Mumbai Suburban district, Pune district, Sindhudurg district, Thane district
- Odisha : Koraput district
- Madhya Pradesh : Hoshangabad district
- Sikkim : Sikkim
- Arunachal Pradesh : Kameng, Siang, Tirap
- Meghalaya : Meghalaya
- Assam : Assam
- Nagaland : Nagaland
- Mizoram : Mizoram
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands : Andaman Islands
- Manipur : Manipur
- Tripura : Tripura
- Native : Andaman Islands, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal
- Exotic/Native : Native
- World Distribution : Andaman Islands, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal
- Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
- Literature :
- H.O. Saxena & M. Brahmam, 1996- Flora of Orissa Vol. 4
- Ravikumar & Balachandran-2014, Journal of Threatened Taxa 6(8): 6108–6121
- B. D. Sharma, S. Karthikeyan & N. P. Singh 1996 - Flora of Maharashtra state - Monocotyledons
- Pullaiah, 1997. Fl. Andhra Pradesh, vol. 3
- Sasidharan, N. 2011. Flowering plants of Kerala. DVD, V 2, KFRI
- Saldanha & Nicolson, 1976 – Flora of Hassan
- Gopalakrishna Bhat, 2003 - Flora of Udupi
- Manjunath et al., 2003 - Flora of Davanagere
- Gopalakrishna Bhat, 2014- Flora of South Kanara.
- H J, Chowdhery, et al. Materials for Flora of Arunachal Pradesh. Volume 3, Botanical Survey of India, 2009. Pg.: 229
- Read more :
- Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. http://indiafloraonline-ces.iisc.ac.in/plants.php?name=Amorphophallus bulbifer. Downloaded on 10 February 2025.
Botanical Description
Herbarium Specimen(s)
Field Image(s)
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India Distribution
World Distribution