(Gourd Or Melon Family)
- Family (Hindi name) : KHARBOOZA FAMILY (खरबूजा फैमिली)
- Family (as per The APG System III) : Calceolariaceae
- Synonym(s) : Trichosanthes macrocarpa Blume; Hodgsonia capniocarpa Ridl.; Hodgsonia heteroclita subsp. indochinensis; Hodgsonia kadam (Miq.) Greshoff; Hodgsonia macrocarpa var. capniocarpa (Ridl.) H.T.Tsai ex A.M.Lu & Zhi Y.Zhang; Trichosanthes hexasperma Blume; Trichosanthes kadam Miq.
- Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Hodgsonia macrocarpa (Blume) Cogn.
- Habit : Liana
- Habitat : Tropical evergreen forests
- Key identification features : Evergreen large climbers; Leaves simple, alternate, palmately lobed, 3-5 lobed, lobes oblong; Flowers in axillary inflorescences, unisexual, dioecious; sepals 5, fused; petals 5, fused, white; stamens 3, filaments short; style absent, stigma 3, bifid, oblong, protruded; Fruits globose, hairy, grooved, bitter in taste; green when young, red-brown when mature, 6 seeded; seeds flat, ellipsoid.
- Flower, Fruit : January- November
- Distribution :
- West Bengal : West Bengal
- Arunachal Pradesh : Changlang, Dibang valley, Siang
- Assam : Assam
- Native : Borneo, Cambodia, Jawa, Malaya, Myanmar, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam
- Exotic/Native : Exotic
- World Distribution : Borneo, Cambodia, Jawa, Malaya, Myanmar, Sumatera, Thailand, Vietnam
- Literature :
- P.K . Hajra ., D.M. Verma and G.S. Giri (1996). Materials For The Flora Of Arunachal Pradesh , Vol (1), Pg : 544-545
- Navendu Page., Aparajita Datta., Bibidishananda Basu (2022). Trees of Arunachal Pradesh-a field guide, Pg: 248-249
- Read more :
- Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. http://indiafloraonline-ces.iisc.ac.in/plants.php?name=Hodgsonia macrocarpa. Downloaded on 19 February 2025.
India Distribution
World Distribution