(Mustard Family)
- Family (Hindi name) : SARSON FAMILY (सरसों फैमिली)
- Family (as per The APG System III) : Brassicaceae
- Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Barbarea vulgaris R.Br.
- Common name : Introduced in the hills
- Habit : Herb
- Key identification features : Glabrous herb; Flowers small, bright yellow; Pods linear.
- Flower, Fruit : May-October
- Distribution :
- Tamil Nadu : Tamil Nadu
- Uttarakhand : Uttarakhand
- Sikkim : Sikkim
- Himachal Pradesh : Chamba district, Kinnaur district, Kullu district, Lahaul & Spiti district, Shimla district
- Arunachal Pradesh : Arunachal Pradesh
- Jammu and Kashmir : Jammu and Kashmir
- Native : Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Central European Russia, Corse, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East European Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Inner Mongolia, Iraq, Ireland, Italy,
- Exotic/Native : Native
- World Distribution : Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Baltic States, Belarus, Belgium, Bhutan, Bulgaria, Central European Russia, Corse, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, East European Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, India, Inner Mongolia, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan, Korea, Manchuria, Mongolia, Nansei-shoto, Netherlands, Northwest European Russia, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Sardegna, Sicilia, South European Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tadzhikistan, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkey-in-Europe, Ukraine, Xinjiang, Yugoslavia
- Literature :
- Henry, Kumari & Chithra (1983). Flora of Tamil Nadu, India vol. 1.
- H J, Chowdhery, et al. Flora of Himachal Pradesh. Volume 1, Botanical Survey of India, 1984. Pg.: 57-58
- Read more :
- Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. http://indiafloraonline-ces.iisc.ac.in/plants.php?name=Barbarea vulgaris. Downloaded on 9 February 2025.
India Distribution
World Distribution