- Family : MELIACEAE
(Mahogany Or Neem Family)
- Family (Hindi name) : NEEM FAMILY (नीम फैमिली)
- Family (as per The APG System III) : Meliaceae
- Synonym(s) : Antelaea azadirachta (L.) Adelb.; Antelaea canescens Cels ex Heynh.; Antelaea javanica Gaertn.; Azadirachta indica subsp. vartakii Kothari, Londhe & N.P.Singh; Melia azadirachta L.; Melia fraxinifolia Salisb.; Melia hasskarlii K.Koch; Melia indica (A.Juss.) Brandis; Melia japonica Hassk.; Melia parviflora Moon; Melia pinnata Stokes
- Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Azadirachta indica A.Juss.
- Common name : The Neem Tree, Margosa, Indian lilac, Neem, Nimbay, Pichumarda
- Vernacular name :
- Neem (Hindi)
- Bevu mara, Bevina mara (Kannada)
- Veppa maram (Tamil)
- Yapa, Vepa (Telugu)
- Limba (Oria)
- Nimba (Sanskrit)
- Neem, Nim, Nimb (Marathi)
- Ariyaveppu, Ayurveppu, Kaippanveppu, Nimbam, Veppu (Malayalam)
- Habit : Tree
- Habitat : Tropical dry deciduous forests, gardens, roadsides
- Comments / notes : Often planted as a sacred tree around places of worship and sometimes in avenues.
- Flower, Fruit : March-September
- Collector(s) Name : Cecil J. Saldanha
- Collection Date : 20/01/1970
- Collection Nos : CJS 16628
- Collection Locality : Before Doddagonnakere, Tumkuru district
- Distribution :
- Andhra Pradesh : Throughout Andhra Pradesh
- Karnataka : All districts of Karnataka
- Kerala : All districts of Kerala
- Maharashtra : All districts of Maharashtra
- Odisha : Throughout Odisha
- Tamil Nadu : All districts of Tamil Nadu
- Jharkhand :
- Madhya Pradesh : Madhya Pradesh
- Himachal Pradesh : Himachal Pradesh
- Meghalaya : Meghalaya
- Assam : Assam
- Nagaland : Nagaland
- Delhi : Delhi
- Uttar Pradesh : Uttar Pradesh
- Punjab : Punjab
- Rajasthan : Jaisalmer district, Barmer district, Bikaner district, Jodhpur district
- Mizoram : Mizoram
- Andaman and Nicobar Islands : Port Blair taluk,Rose Island
- Manipur : Manipur
- Tripura : Tripura
- Native : Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam
- Exotic/Native : Native
- World Distribution : Tropical Asia
- Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
- Literature :
- Pullaiah et al., 2002 - Flora of Eastern Ghats Vol. 1
- J.L.Ellis, 1987- Flora of Nallamalais Vol. 1
- H.O. Saxena & M. Brahmam, 1994- Flora of Orissa Vol. 1
- R. S. Rao et al., 1986 - Flora of West Godavari District
- R. S. Rao and S. H. Sreeramulu, 1986 - Flora of Srikakulam District
- H. O. Saxena and M. Brahmam, 1989 - The Flora of Similipahar (Similipal), Orissa
- N.P.Singh, 1988. Flora of Eastern Karnataka
- Matthew, K.M., Flora of Tamil Nadu Carnatic, Vol.3 (1). Diocesan Press, Madras. 1983
- Henry, Kumari & Chithra (1983). Flora of Tamil Nadu, India vol. 1
- Sasidharan, N. 2011. Flowering plants of Kerala. DVD, V 2, KFRI.
- Parkinson, C.E. 1923. A Forest Flora of the Andaman Islands, Govt. of India, Shimla: 123
- Indigenous Plants at Biodiversity Park, Ranchi - Ranchi Afforestation Division, Forest and Environmental Department, Jharkhand
- H J, Chowdhery, et al. Flora of Himachal Pradesh. Volume 1, Botanical Survey of India, 1984. Pg.: 143-144
- Read more :
- Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. http://indiafloraonline-ces.iisc.ac.in/plants.php?name=Azadirachta indica. Downloaded on 13 February 2025.
Botanical Description
Herbarium Specimen(s)
Line Drawings
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India Distribution
World Distribution