Loxogramme cuspidata (Zenker) M.G. Price

    (Oakleaf Fern Family)
  • Family (as per The APG System III) : POLYPODIACEAE
  • Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Loxogramme cuspidata (Zenker) M.G. Price
  • Habit : Herb-Epiphytic
  • Habitat : On shola forest trees at 5550 m.
  • Comments / notes : Frequent epiphytic fern
  • Key identification features : Rhizome is short or long creeping, densely scaly throughout; Stipes winged almost to the base. Lamina narrowly obovate, acuminate to caudate at the apex, attenuate at base and decurrent to narrow wings of stipe; costae prominent above, stramineous or pale green; veins indistinct, glabrous on both surfaces. Sori linear, oblique to mid-rib, superficial, paraphyses few, sparse.
  • Collector(s) Name : C.J.Saldanha, S.R.Ramesh; F.M Jarrett & C.J Saldanha; PK Rajagopal
  • Collection Nos : KFP 11309; 17030; PKR 700; PKR 684
  • Collection Locality : Chikmagalur; Kodaikanal
  • Distribution :
    • Karnataka : Chikamagalur district
    • Tamil Nadu : Kodaikanal (Dindigul district)
  • Native : India
  • Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
  • Literature :
    • Fraser-Jenkins, Taxonomic revision of Indian Subcontinental Pteridophytes 2008
  • Read more :
  • Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. http://indiafloraonline-ces.iisc.ac.in/plants.php?name=Loxogramme cuspidata. Downloaded on 5 October 2024.

Botanical Description

Herbarium Specimen(s)

India Distribution

World Distribution

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