Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth.

    (Bignonia Family)
  • Family (Hindi name) : NEELI GULMOHUR FAMILY (नीली गुलमोहर फैमिली)
  • Family (as per The APG System III) : Bignoniaceae
  • Synonym(s) : Bignonia africana Lam.; Tecoma africana (Lam.) G.Don
  • Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth.
  • Common name : Common Sauceage Tree
  • Vernacular name :
    • Yaanaipudukkan, Marachchurai, Sivankundalam (Tamil)
    • Enugu thondamu, Kijili, Nadamalli (Telugu)
    • Sivakundalam (Malayalam)
  • Habit : Tree
  • Habitat : Planted
  • Comments / notes : Introduced in India; in gardens and avenues
  • Flower, Fruit : March-December
  • Distribution :
    • Andhra Pradesh : Srikakulam district
    • Karnataka : Bengaluru district
    • Kerala : Kerala
    • Odisha : Odisha
    • Tamil Nadu : Tamil Nadu
    • Delhi : Delhi
    • Uttar Pradesh : Uttar Pradesh
    • Punjab : Punjab
    • Andaman and Nicobar Islands : Port Blair taluk
  • Native : Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina, Burundi, Cameroon, Caprivi Strip, Central African Repu, Chad, Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Gulf of Guinea Is., Ivory Coast, Kenya, KwaZulu-Natal, Liberia, Malawi, Mali, Mozambique, Namibia, Nige
  • Exotic/Native : Exotic
  • World Distribution : Cultivated in tropics
  • Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
  • Literature :
    • Pullaiah et al., 2011 - Flora of Eastern Ghats Vol. 4
    • H.O. Saxena & M. Brahmam, 1995- Flora of Orissa Vol. 2
    • R. S. Rao et al., 1986 - Flora of West Godavari District
    • R. S. Rao and S. H. Sreeramulu, 1986 - Flora of Srikakulam District
    • Matthew, K.M., The Flora of Tamil Nadu Carnatic, Vol.3 (1). Diocesan Press, Madras. 1983
    • Sasidharan, N. 2011. Flowering plants of Kerala. DVD, V 2, KFRI.
    • Parkinson, C.E. 1923. A Forest Flora of the Andaman Islands, Govt. of India, Shimla: 215
  • Read more :
  • Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. africana. Downloaded on 7 September 2024.

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