Centranthera indica (L.) Gamble

    (Figwort Family)
  • Family (Hindi name) : BRAHMI FAMILY (ब्राह्मी फैमिली)
  • Family (as per The APG System III) : Orobanchaceae
  • Synonym(s) : Razumovia indica (L.) Alston; Rhinanthus indicus L.; Centranthera procumbens Benth.; Purshia ciliata Dennst.; Digitalis stricta Roxb.; Capraria rigida Buch.-Ham. ex Hook.f.
  • Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Centranthera indica (L.) Gamble
  • Habit : Herb
  • Habitat : Tropical moist deciduous forests and grasslands
  • Comments / notes : Rare
  • Flower, Fruit : July-December
  • Distribution :
    • Andhra Pradesh : Vishakapatnam district
    • Kerala : All districts of Kerala
    • Odisha : Ganjam district, Mayurbhanj district
    • Arunachal Pradesh : Kameng, Lohit, Siang, Subansiri, Tirap
    • Punjab : Punjab
  • Native : Tropical Asia, Australia
  • World Distribution : India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar to Malaysia, China, Australia
  • Conservation Status : Least Concern (LC)
  • Literature :
    • Pullaiah et al., 2011 - Flora of Eastern Ghats Vol. 4
    • H.O. Saxena & M. Brahmam, 1995- Flora of Orissa Vol. 2
    • IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2014.1
    • Sasidharan, N. 2011. Flowering plants of Kerala. DVD, V 2, KFRI.
    • G.S Giri., A.Pramanik., H.J. Chowdhery., G.D Pal and S.K. Das (2008). Materials for Arunachal Pradesh, Vol (2), Pg: 209-210
  • Read more :
  • Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. http://indiafloraonline-ces.iisc.ac.in/plants.php?name=Centranthera indica. Downloaded on 7 September 2024.

Botanical Description

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India Distribution

World Distribution

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