Brachystelma mahajanii Kambale & S.R.Yadav

    (Milkweed Family)
  • Family (Hindi name) : AAK FAMILY (आक फैमिली)
  • Family (as per The APG System III) : Apocynaceae
  • Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Ceropegia mahajanii (Kambale & S.R.Yadav) Bruyns
  • Habit : Herb
  • Habitat : Soils accumulated on rocks
  • Comments / notes : Brachystelma mahajanii grows along the eastward slopes of the Nilgiris
  • Key identification features : Axillary 1 – 8 stellate drooping flowers per node , corolla lobes are glabrous, interstaminal corona raised above the gynostegium and with undulate to entire lobes respectively.
  • Flower, Fruit : March-June
  • Distribution :
    • Tamil Nadu : Nilgiri
  • Native : India
  • Exotic/Native : Native
  • Endemism : Western Ghats, Tamil Nadu
  • World Distribution : India
  • Conservation Status : Data Deficient
  • Literature :
    • Sharad S. Kambale, Siddharthan Surveswaran & Shrirang R. Yadav (2014). Two new species of Brachystelma Sims (Apocynaceae: Asclepiadoideae-Ceropegieae) from the Western Ghats of India. KEW BULLETIN, 69: 9493
  • Read more :
  • Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. mahajanii. Downloaded on 7 September 2024.

India Distribution

World Distribution

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