Strychnos wallichiana Steud.ex DC.

  • Family : LOGANIACEAE
    (Logania Family)
  • Family (Hindi name) : KAJARA FAMILY (कजरा फैमिली)
  • Family (as per The APG System III) : Loganiaceae
  • Synonym(s) : Strychnos bourdilloni Brandis; Strychnos cinnamomifolia Thwaites; Strychnos cinnamomifolia var. wightii A.W.Hill; Strychnos cirrhosa Stokes; Strychnos colubrina L.; Strychnos gauthieriana Pierre ex Dop; Strychnos lucida Wall.; Strychnos pierreana A.W.Hill; Strychnos rheedei C.B.Clarke; Strychnos tubiflora A.W.Hill
  • Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Strychnos wallichiana Steud. ex A. DC.
  • Habit : Climbing shrub
  • Key identification features : Scandent shrubs or lianas, woody, greyish brown; Leaves oblong-lanceolate or elliptic-Ianceolate, abruptly acuminate or caudate- acuminate, 3-nerved, shiny green; Flowers in axillary, dense, thyrsoid cymes or corymbs, tubular, 1-5 cm long, yellowish green, often with purplish tinge; corolla densely
  • Flower, Fruit : October-December
  • Distribution :
    • Andhra Pradesh : Kurnool district
    • Arunachal Pradesh : Changlang, Lohit, Tirap
    • Meghalaya : Meghalaya
    • Assam : Assam
    • Nagaland : Nagaland
    • Mizoram : Mizoram
    • Manipur : Manipur
    • Tripura : Tripura
  • Native : Andaman Islands, Bangladesh, China, Myanmar, Nicobar Islands, Sri Lanka, Vietnam
  • Exotic/Native : Native
  • World Distribution : Andaman Islands, Bangladesh, China, Myanmar, Nicobar Islands, Sri Lanka, Vietnam
  • Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
  • Literature :
    • Pullaiah et al., 2011 - Flora of Eastern Ghats Vol. 4
    • Gamble 1923. Flora Pre. Madra. Vol.2.
    • G.S Giri., A.Pramanik., H.J. Chowdhery., G.D Pal and S.K. Das (2008). Materials for Arunachal Pradesh, Vol (2), Pg: 176-177
  • Read more :
  • Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. wallichiana. Downloaded on 7 September 2024.

Botanical Description

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India Distribution

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