Strobilanthes discolor T.Anderson

  • Family : ACANTHACEAE
    (Acanthus Family)
  • Family (Hindi name) : ARUSA FAMILY (अडूसा फैमिली)
  • Family (as per The APG System III) : Acanthaceae
  • Synonym(s) : Goldfussia discolor Nees; Diflugossa nagaensis Bremek.; Strobilanthes discolor var. nudicalyx C.B.Clarke; Strobilanthes nagaensis (Bremek.) W.J.Kress & DeFilipps
  • Species Name (as per The IPNI) : Strobilanthes discolor T.Anderson
  • Habit : Shrub
  • Habitat : Forests
  • Key identification features : Subshrubs or shrubs to 1.8 m tall, strongly anisophyllous. Stems and branches 4-angled to subterete, sulcate, glabrous, apically somewhat zigzag. Ovary glabrous; style 2.3-2.8 cm, hirsute. Capsule narrowly obovoid, ca. 10 × 2.5 mm, glabrous except for a few apical glands, 4-seeded.
  • Flower, Fruit : June- December
  • Distribution :
    • Sikkim : Sikkim
    • Arunachal Pradesh : Changlang, Kameng, Lohit, Siang, Tirap
    • Meghalaya : Meghalaya
    • Assam : Assam
    • Nagaland : Nagaland
    • Mizoram : Mizoram
    • Manipur : Manipur
    • Tripura : Tripura
  • Native : Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Tibet
  • Exotic/Native : Native
  • World Distribution : Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Tibet
  • Literature :
    • Herbarium collected by Patanjali Bhartiya Ayurvigyan AvUm Anusandhan Sansthan, Haridwar, Uttarkhand
    • G.S Giri., A.Pramanik., H.J. Chowdhery., G.D Pal and S.K. Das (2008). Materials for Arunachal Pradesh, Vol (2), Pg: 242
  • Read more :
  • Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Deepak Kumar (2024). India Flora Online. discolor. Downloaded on 7 September 2024.

Herbarium Specimen(s)

India Distribution

World Distribution

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