- Family (as per The Plant List) : Apocynaceae
- Species : Wattakaka volubilis
- Synonym : Marsdenia volubilis (L.f.) Cooke
- Basionym : Aclepias volubilis L. f.
- Species Name (as per The Plant List) : Wattakaka volubilis (L. f.) Stapf
- Common name : Milk-Weed Climber, Green wax flower, Sneezing silk cotton
- Vernacular name : Nakchikni (Hin.); Hegala balli, Pettajanka (Kan.); Kaattu aavaarankodi, Kurinjaa, Kodipalai, Kurnica (Tam.); Bandi-gurga, Pedda-gurga, Dudhipaala, Kalasaku, Bondiguruginga (Tel.); Dughika (Ori.); Murva (San.)
- Key identification features : A often gregarious woody climber. Leaves are broadly ovate or sub-orbicular, acuminate with rounded or cordate base. Flowers are numerous (1-1.5 cm.), yellowish-green in colour with lateral drooping umbellate cymes. Fruits are 7.5-8 cm long, slightly tapering to a blunt point. Seeds are with long dull-white soft hairs.
- Habit : Liana
- Flower, Fruit : April-February
- Comments : Often grows on plains from the coast to hills about 1300 m.
- Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
- Distribution Locality : Throughout Eastern Ghats
- World Distribution : Sub-tropical Himalaya, South China, Taiwan, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malesia
- Literature : Pullaiah et al., 2011 - Flora of Eastern Ghats Vol. 4; J.L.Ellis, 1990- Flora of Nallamalais Vol. 2; H.O. Saxena & M. Brahmam, 1995- Flora of Orissa Vol. 2 ; R. S. Rao et al., 1986 - Flora of West Godavari District; N.P.Singh, 1988. Flora of Eastern Karnataka; Matthew, K.M., The Flora of Tamil Nadu Carnatic, Vol.3 (1). Diocesan Press, Madras. 1983.
- Citation : Sankara Rao, K., Arun Singh R., Deepak Kumar, Raja K Swamy and Navendu Page (2016). Digital Flora of Eastern Ghats. http://easternghats.ces.iisc.ernet.in/plants.php?name=Wattakaka volubilis. Downloaded on 2 February 2025.