Pteris scabripes Wall. ex Ag.

  • Family (Christenhusz et al, 2011) : PTERIDACEAE
  • Family (As per The Plant List) : Pteridaceae
  • Species : Pteris scabripes
  • Species Name (as per The Plant List) : Pteris scabripes Wall. ex Ag.
  • Collection Nos : KFP 7144
  • Collector(s) Name : C. J. Saldanha, K.R.Keshav Murthy
  • Key identification features : Rhizome is erect and covered by scales at the apex. Stipes are numerous, tufted, shallowly grooved above, pale brown at base, stramineous above, scaly at the base, glabrous and glossy above. Lamina is broadly obovate, simply pinnate; pinnae upto five pairs, opposite, linear-lanceolate; pinnae dark green, glabrous above and below, texture subcoriaceous. Sori all along the margin except at the base and the apex, membranaceous, whitish, relexed margin; spores dark brown.
  • Habit : Herb-Terrestrial
  • Native : Tropical America; Tropical Asia; Tropical Africa
  • Comments : Very Rare. Pteris silent-valliensis is hardly distinguishable from P.scabripes and it is treated here as a synonym of P.scabripes. (Rajagopal & Bhat, 1998). Seen along roadsides or clearings in partially or fully shaded places.
  • Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
  • Collection Locality : Chikmagalur
  • Distribution Locality : Chikamagalur
  • Floras referred : Fraser-Jenkins, Taxonomic revision of Indian Subcontinental Pteridophytes 2008; Manickam V.S & Irudayaraj V. (1992)- Pteridophyte flora of W.Ghats, South India


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