Athyrium cumingianum (C. Presl) Ching

  • Family (Christenhusz et al, 2011) : WOODSIACEAE
  • Family (As per The Plant List) : Athyriaceae
  • Species : Athyrium cumingianum
  • Species Name (as per The Plant List) : Athyrium cumingianum (C. Presl) Ching
  • Collection Nos : HFP 629, CS 10150
  • Collector(s) Name : Jarrett, Saldanha & Ramamoorthy, Saldanha
  • Key identification features : The rhizome is short, creeping, densely clothed by lanceolate scales all over. The stipes are scattered, pale green when fresh, saly at the very base and glabrous above. The lamina is ovate or ovate-lanceolate, simply pinnate; pinnae upto 10 pairs, slightly ascending, shortly stalked; pinnae dark green, glabrous above and below; texture herbaceous. Sori median on all the veins, forming parallel rows along the costules but apparently looking like random distribution; indusia very small, pale brown; spores ellipsoid or spherical.
  • Habit : Herb-Terrestrial
  • Native : Tropical Asia
  • Comments : Low altitude terrestrial plants, seen along partially exposed roadsides or fully shaded forest floors.
  • Conservation Status : At Risk (Jenkins, 2008)
  • Collection Locality : Hassan
  • Distribution Locality : Hassan; Kodagu; Uttara Kannada
  • Floras referred : Fraser-Jenkins, Taxonomic revision of Indian Subcontinental Pteridophytes 2008; Rajagopal & Bhat, Pteridophytic flora of Karnataka State- 1998; Manickam V.S & Irudayaraj V. (1992)- Pteridophyte flora of W.Ghats, South India


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