Adiantum aethiopicum L.

  • Family (Christenhusz et al, 2011) : ADIANTACEAE
  • Family (As per The Plant List) : Pteridaceae
  • Species : Adiantum aethiopicum
  • Species Name (as per The Plant List) : Adiantum chilense var. sulphureum (Kaulf.) Kuntze ex Hicken
  • Habit : Herb-Terrestrial
  • Comments : This species is included on the authority of Rajagopal & Bhat (1998) and MacPherson (1890).
  • Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
  • Floras referred : Fraser-Jenkins, Taxonomic revision of Indian Subcontinental Pteridophytes 2008; Rajagopal & Bhat, Pteridophytic flora of Karnataka State- 1998; Manickam V.S & Irudayaraj V. (1992)- Pteridophyte flora of W.Ghats, South India


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