Stylidium tenellum Sw.

  • Family (As per The Plant List) : Stylidiaceae
  • Species : Stylidium tenellum
  • Species Name (as per The Plant List) : Stylidium tenellum Sw.
  • Common name : Trigger Plant
  • Key identification features : Very small slender herbs, glabrous, branched, branches filiform with copper-brown stem; leaves alternate, basal leaves mostly spathulate or linear or ovate, 3-nerved visible only on upper surface; flowers solitary, minute, sessile in the axils of leafy bracts, base glandular, sepals 5, persistant in fruits, corolla rose or pink colored, strongly bilabiate, two of them with prominent ray-like lobes. Stamens 2 with filaments united and connate. Fruit is a linear capsule.
  • Habit : Herb
  • Comments : This species reported by Bhaskar and Kushalappa is a new occurrence record for South India and was collected by them from Devarayanagurga (Tumkur District). The herb is spread in moist grassy places at the foothills during monsoon. The plants are inconspicuous in stature that one may mistake it for some common Utricularias. The column (or trigger) is a sensitive part moving elastically on touch to rest between labellum and posterior lobes before resetting.
  • Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
  • Distribution Locality : Tumkur
  • Floras referred : Bhaskar & Kushalappa, 2013- Flora of Tumkur District


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