Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq.

  • Family (As per The Plant List) : Convolvulaceae
  • Species : Ipomoea mauritiana
  • Species Name (as per The Plant List) : Ipomoea mauritiana Jacq.
  • Common name : Giant 'Potato'
  • Vernacular name : Shiravidaari (San.); Bhilaayakand (Hin.); Naadakumbala, Nela'kumbala' (Kan.)
  • Collection Nos : KFP 12085
  • Key identification features : A large climber, with large ovoid or elongated tuberous roots. Leaves palmately-compound, orbicular with 5-7 leaflets, rarely about 9, apically acuminate, basally cordate. Flowers are axillary, few to many flowered cymes. Peduncle upto 14 cm long, bracts ovate, cauducous. Sepals 5, unequal, orbicular. Corolla 5-lobed, rose-pink in colour. Stamens inserted. Capsule ovoid, glabrous, apiculate with 4 wolly seeds.
  • Habit : Climber
  • Comments : Common in hedges and bushes. Tubers used in medicine
  • Conservation Status : Not Evaluated (NE)
  • Distribution Locality : Gulbarga, Udupi
  • Floras referred : Gopalakrishna Bhat, 2003 - Udupi; Gopalakrishna Bhat, 2014 - Flora of South Kanara


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  • Ron Kushner 2015-01-15 06:36:15

    The photo you display is that of Ipomoea parasitica , not Ipomoea muricata. Would you care to address this in the Forum https://sites.google.com/site/efloraofindia/about-us/subject-experts for ALL to see and comment on ? Look forward to your response regards, Ron Kushner
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Digital Flora of Karnataka by Herbarium JCB is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://flora-peninsula-indica.ces.iisc.ac.in/karnataka/.